Waste Water Treatment

Aqua Solutions is a world-class water management company providing end to end solutions for water treatment, industrial wastewater treatment and  sewage treatment at minimal costs. We have experience in designing and treating hard to treat effluent at a very nominal cost. Our expertise lies in bringing our teams together for the seamless implementation of the project. We work to implicate new technologies, reduce footprint, save energy, and deliver a state of the art water treatment plant.

Effluent Treatment Plant

Effluent is generated in many manufacturing industries like textile, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, tanneries etc. Contaminated water cannot be released without treatment as it contains toxic and non-toxic chemicals. Releasing it may cause contamination of the existing pure water and will affect the environment. As a result ETP’s are installed in most manufacturing industries.

The Effluent treatment plants (ETP) are used for the removal of high amounts of organic compounds, debris, dirt, grit, pollution, toxic, non-toxic materials and polymers etc. from industrial effluent. The ETP plants use evaporation and drying methods and other auxiliary techniques such as centrifuging, filtration , incineration for chemical processing and effluent treatment.

Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage is the waste generated from residential, institutional, commercial and industrial establishments. STP plant treats the sewage to make it fit for safe disposal, agricultural use or domestic use in toilets etc. Sewage usually contains a high quantity of organic and inorganic wastes. It is essential to treat sewage before it enters into any water body. If sewage, is allowed to enter the water sources without treatment, it will contaminate them; which is why it is essential to treat sewage properly before letting it into rivers or any other sources of water.

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